Ahhhh! Can't believe im doing this!!
Wrote this like.........weeks ago. Dare not to publish it cause afraid that there might be alot mistakes >< OMG i'm so nervous!
For my daily make-up, I will apply eyeliner + mascara only * cause the boyfie like it* Further more, fake lashes makes my eyes feels tired & heavy so i don't prefer to stick them for all day long! *opps no offend* Therefore, I only need them when is needed. Sort of....attend some official events / photoshoot.
Well apparently, this is my first make-up tutorial!!! Appreciate it okay? XD
Hmmm...I don't wanna break any promises that i've made for y'all. Plus, i received some emails & fb msg from y'all asking on how i do my eye make-up like most of the time. So here you go ♥
Hope you enjoy this post and if you want more, i will make it more to come =P Lets get started!

First: Draw thin eyeliner line close to your lashes line :)

Eye shadow from Kate BK-1

Second: Apply no.1 on your eyelid at the dotted line area as a base.

Third: Apply no.2 and blend within no.1

I'm using Kate Eyebrow Designing kit EX-4 for the lower eyelid line :)
I love to use brown color for lower eye part because it creates natural feeling instead of the boring black line.
Fourth: Follow the dotted line and draw a thin line using no.1 ***DO NOT draw the whole eyelid, just from the outer corner of your eyes until center part will do.

Mascara time! *my fav part* Apply on both upper & lower eyelashes

Due to i drawn the eyeliner first, the eye shadow covered the black line =.= So in this case, you can choose to redraw the eyeliner. Or if u feel the faded eyeliner color looks more natural then u can skip this :)

Done! There is abit uneven :( forgive me...

Kate blush set OR-1

Then, time for a rosy cheek ^^

Thanks for reading. Happy Sunday!
Nice tutorial.
i love yr eye make up seriously. pretty <3
Appreciate :))) Heeeee.
I am looking forward to your next tutorial! Please do hairstyle tutorial!
Thanks for this make up tutorial!
Yeah hairstyle tutorial next pls. :)
Ops ! nice ah !! :D <3
good ones :)
I wish to learn a simple make up for a very long time and your tutorial is useful
thanks for sharing =)
Cute neh!
Thank you so much ladies :)i'll do more! ^^
♡ ♥ your makeup:) An can I know how u make up your eyebrow ,it look very natural:) or u go to 秀眉?
that's my natural eyebrow..did not draw or 秀眉...i just trim it only :)
Love it so so much! ❤
love it :)
thanks girls ^^ xoxo
may i know what brand of eyeliner you're using?
Im using Koji Japan from sasa
Simple and nice ♥
support ><
will try to learn it..thanks sweetie for sharing ^^
ur eyelash so long~~~♥
thanks everyone :)♥
hi anerly, ur eyebrows used to be quite thick de, u trim them till they look exantly like the pic on tis post? :) very nice!
yes yes, beautician trim for me one :)
Hi, the eye shadow tat u first apply is Kate bK-1?
bcz i went to SASA n found out that the BK-1 is actually much deeper colour than urs :)
thanks for ur help, Anerly ^^
yes is BK-1, maybe the lighting make my photo brighter :)
You did great upload in a video way will be perfect!((:
Y u din tell the foundation part??
Yea, i would like to know about the foundation/base part~
same as above, would like to know more abt foundation part.
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